Drama Scripts

When it comes to making them laugh or making a point, it doesn't have to be either-or. It's a serious moral wrapped inside a slightly silly sense of humor. Each drama is written for two actors.

Abandon all Hope – This duet explores how difficult it can be to trust God when times just seem to get tougher and tougher. Sometimes a Sunday School answer isn’t enough.

Computer Couple – This duet examines why we sometimes need a break for all our online communication. Too much time on the internet can hurt the relationships we value the most, and there’s something to be said for the value of face-to-face communication.

Down that Road – This duet examines the struggle of facing down our own temptations and helping friends face down theirs. Often, the ones who can help us the most are the ones who’ve been down the road we’re on.

First Feline Church – This duet examines Cat and Dog theology and the church. If you feed a dog, it thinks you’re God. If you feed a cat, it thinks it’s God. We can have the same sense of entitlement in our Christian lives, and taken to extremes, it’s not a pretty sight.

Gilda Does Something Funny – This duet examines learning how to trust God to work out the finer details, using the example of one of the funniest women of all time, Gilda Radner. That’s right, a Not-Ready-for-Prime-Time-Player is a spiritual lesson for us all.

Mabel and Ethel – This duet examines the frustrations of parenting children you may not like all the time. These two older women must also confront the fact that their children are grown and living lives of their own, and how scary it can be to trust in God when it comes to their kids.

One Cross Martyr – This duet examines what does and doesn’t count as suffering for Christ. Sometimes we think that being a general nuisance counts as martyrdom, when in fact, we’re just being insufferable jerks who are doing more harm than good for the Gospel message.

Pro-Life Church – This duet examines what it truly means to be pro-life. It’s easy to say you’re against abortion, but what happens when it’s teenage girls in your own community? How can you say you’re pro-life when you reject the girls who keep their babies?

Safehouse Sam – This duet examines why always avoiding adversity can lead to a very empty life. Yes, a life of faith, of going where God leads, can put us in some dangerous situations. Sometimes life-threatening. But sometimes taking that risk is how we minister to the world, and sequestering yourself away from all danger means you never do any good, and you never grow as a person or experience the blessings God has for you

Satan is Coming to Town – This duet examines why the fight against evil needs more than empty gestures and feel-good symbolism. Some of the Enemy’s biggest weapons are out hubris and pride. To truly combat evil, we’re going to have to humble ourselves, have some faith, and roll up our sleeves.

The Book of Jason – This duet examines why the book of Jonah is still very relevant to our lives today. We see the story from an entirely different perspective, but the message is the same. Our hero struggles with the idea that God loves and forgives people he hates, and he’s not to keen on being an instrument of God’s grace to those very people. It’s something we all can still relate to today.

The Call to Serve – This duet examines what it means to truly answer God’s call to service. Sometimes it means abandoning what we think are the plans. It can mean choosing between good and better. Occasionally it means the people closest to us, those who share our faith, will question our decision when God’s plans interrupt theirs.

The Counselor is [In] – Taking a page from Charlie Brown, this duet examines why being a Christian is not a guarantee that you won’t have problems. Our main character is having a tough time of it and can’t seem to catch a break. What’s worse, the usual Sunday School answers don’t help, as he’s doing everything right and still struggling. He exposes the dirty little secret that we Christians like to keep to ourselves. Perhaps it’s time we’re more honest with each other.

To Your Own Powers Be True – This duet examines why it does no good to mope about how you aren’t gifted, because that won’t change anything, and you ignore the ways you are. While this duet involves superheroes, it can be anyone who’s jealous of another’s gifts or talents. It’s important to understand that when we embrace our own gifts, we can do truly great and heroic things.

What a Man Wants – This duet examines why communication in marriage is essential. He wants to tell her how he really feels, and she doesn’t understand him.

What a Woman Wants – This duet examines why communication in marriage is essential. She wants to tell him how she really feels, and he doesn’t understand her.

What They Both Want – This duet examines why communication in marriage is essential. They want to tell each other how they really feel, and neither one truly understands the other. 

 The Bible offers a history of a people of faith, but it rarely gives us a glimpse of the day-to-day lives of those who lived it. Neither are we privy to the actual conversations these people had with one another. It’s so easy to see Bible characters as larger than life figures that we forget they were also human.

Old Testament

Adam and Eve - This conversation occurs between Adam and Eve just after they were banished from the Garden of Eden. It explores themes of betrayal and loss.

Cain and Abel - This conversation occurs between Cain and Abel a little while before Cain murders his brother. They argue about faith and the nature of God.

Noah - This is monologue is Noah talking to God. Noah is grappling with the task God has set before him.

Abram and Sarai - This conversation occurs between Abram and Sarai, just after God called Abram to leave everything and journey to a new land. They argue about blind faith, security, and what it means to follow God.

Abraham and Isaac - This conversation occurs between Abraham and Isaac, just after Abraham nearly sacrificed Isaac before God told him to stop. It examines what it means to follow God when it seems that the path ahead makes no sense, and trusting that God has a plan.

Jacob - This conversation occurs between Jacob and the stranger he wrestled with. Jacob struggles with trusting God and fears what’s about to happen when he meets his brother again. He demands God’s blessing from the stranger, and will not give up until he gets it.

Reuben and Judah - This conversation occurs between Reuben and Judah, two of Joseph’s brothers. They talk about what they did to Joseph, why they did it, and whether or not to tell their father. Reuben struggles with guilt while Judah believes they did what was necessary.

Joseph - This conversation occurs between Joseph and the Warden in charge of the jail. They talk about how unfair it is that Joseph is in jail, even after interpreting the dreams of the cupbearer and baker. Joseph struggles with keeping his faith strong and forgiving all those responsible for putting him in prison.

Moses and Aaron - This conversation occurs between Moses and Aaron, just after they return to Egypt to confront the Pharaoh. They talk about having faith, experiencing doubt, and what happens when you are called to something you feel is much bigger than you can handle.

Moses and Pharaoh - This conversation occurs between Moses and Pharaoh, as Moses demands the ruler let his people go. It’s about a man of faith, struggling with doubts, who still fights for what is right.

Caleb and Nahbi - This conversation occurs between Caleb and Nahbi, two spies who returned from the Promised Land. They debate trusting in God versus trusting what their eyes tell them must be true.

Joshua and Moses - This conversation occurs between Joshua and Moses, as Moses is about to die and pass the mantle of leadership over to Joshua. They discuss change, trusting God, and what happens when things don’t go the way you think they should.

Joshua and Caleb - This conversation occurs between Joshua and Caleb, as Joshua gives Hebron to the old man. They discuss being frustrated by people’s lack of faith, especially when they’ve all personally seen God’s hand.

Samson and Manoah - This conversation occurs between Samson and his father Manoah. Manoah is concerned with his son’s behavior and fears he is growing too reckless. Samson believes he can do anything he wants, sees no problem with his behavior, and doesn’t see a need to change. The two of them talk about what it means to be a man.

Samuel and Saul - This conversation occurs between Samuel and Saul, just after Samuel has informed the king that God has rejected him. They debate what it means to be a man of God and a leader, and what happens when that leader strays from what is right.

David and Eliab - This conversation occurs between David and his oldest brother Eliab. It takes place soon after Samuel anointed David to be king, and their conversation reveals deep sibling rivalry, jealousy, and two brothers struggling with what it means to be a man. 

David and Saul - This conversation occurs between David and Saul, right after David spared Saul’s life a second time. These two former friends and allies have a tense conversation, and David does his best to make peace with Saul even though he is still very angry with the old king.

David - This monologue is David as he stares at Bathsheba bathing. It explores the struggle of temptation and how easy it is to take the wrong path.

David and Nathan - This conversation occurs between David and Nathan, just after the death of David’s son. They talk about being angry at God, coping with tragedy, living with guilt, and learning to accept forgiveness.

Nehemiah - This conversation occurs between Nehemiah and a Jewish official. Nehemiah has just returned to rebuild the wall, and the two of them talk about the great undertaking ahead of them and whether it is even worth the trouble. The two talk about the kind of trouble Nehemiah can expect and they debate whether it’s worth it to put the people at risk.

Esther and Hathach - This conversation occurs between Esther and her messenger, the eunuch Hathach. She must decide whether or not to go see the king in order to stop the plot against her people. He and the eunuch talk about why she is in this position and the kind of legacy they both will leave.

Daniel and Darius - This conversation occurs between Daniel and Darius just before the king throws Daniel into the lions den. They debate what it means to serve God and whether or not you can compromise your principles, even when faced with impending death.

Hosea - This conversation occurs between Hosea and a friend, just after Hosea’s wife has run off yet again. They discuss what it means to love someone, even when that other person might not love you back.

Hosea and Gomer - This conversation occurs between Hosea and Gomer, just after he found her and bought her from slavers. It explores what it means to love someone who’s broken, and that no one is worthless.

Jonah - This conversation occurs between Jonah and a sailor while Jonah is on the boat, fleeing God. They talk about what it is Jonah is running from and whether he can truly outrun it. 

New Testament

Mary and Elizabeth - This conversation occurs between Mary and Elizabeth, soon after Mary discovered she was pregnant with Jesus. They discuss what it means to trust God when it seems everything is going wrong, and the road ahead looks bleak.

Joseph and Mary - This conversation occurs between Joseph and Mary, as they are fleeing from Herod, who is intent on killing Jesus. They talk about whether their son is truly a gift from God, or a curse, and what it means to follow God when everything in your life falls apart.

John the Baptist - This conversation occurs between John the Baptist and his disciple as they await the arrival of Jesus. They talk about waiting for God, trying to understand God’s will, and what it will mean when the Messiah actually appears, if He does.

James and John - This conversation occurs between James and John, the night Jesus called them. They debate whether they’ve made the right decision, and what it means to have faith and to leave everything behind when you follow God.

Matthew and John - This conversation occurs between Matthew and John, soon after Jesus had called Matthew. John doesn’t believe Matthew belongs and predicts Matthew will return to his old life. The two talk about what it means to be redeemed.

Mary and Peter - This conversation occurs between Mary and Peter, when Mary wants to see her son but is turned away. In their argument they talk about what it means to actually follow Jesus, and why it’s not always easy to have faith in Him.

Herod and John the Baptist - This conversation occurs between Herod and John the Baptist when the kind had imprisoned John. They talk about whether this Jesus was truly the Messiah, and if so, why he was letting John rot in prison. John must confront his doubts about his faith.

Peter and Judas - This conversation occurs between Peter and Judas. They argue about whether it’s worth it to put their faith in Jesus and where that might lead them.

Judas and John - This conversation occurs between Judas and John, right after Jesus feeds the five thousand. Judas is upset that Jesus isn’t using His impressive power to do more for people, and he and John debate what the Messiah should do and whether Jesus is actually the one they’ve been waiting for.

Mary and Martha - This conversation occurs between Mary and Martha, as they wait for Jesus to come heal their brother Lazarus. They talk about what it means when God doesn’t answer your prayers, and how it’s possible to still have faith in a God who lets you down.

Judas and Caiaphas - This conversation occurs between Judas and Caiaphas as they plot for Judas to betray Jesus. This scene explores what might have motivated a man who followed Jesus and witnessed all that He did to still betray Him.

Pilate - This conversation occurs between Pontius Pilate and his wife, just before Pilate must make a judgment about Jesus. Pilate struggles with wanting to let this man go and what that would mean for everyone to defy the angry mob. 

The Centurion - This is monologue is The Centurion who witnessed the Crucifixion. He is watching the man some say is the Messiah, perhaps even God, die like a common criminal. He wrestles with a single question – who is this man?

Mary - This is monologue is Mary, talking to God, just after she buried Jesus. She is in shock, she is mourning, and she is angry at God for what has happened.

Peter and John - This conversation occurs between Peter and John, while they are in hiding after Jesus’ death. They confront the idea that they wasted their lives following this man and wonder what they’re going to do next.

Peter and Mary Magdalene - This conversation occurs between Peter and Mary Magdalene, as she tells him about discovering the Empty Tomb. They confront doubt and what it means to have faith in the most impossible moments.

John and Peter - This conversation occurs between John and Peter, just after Jesus ascended into Heaven. They discuss patience, forgiveness, and waiting on God.

Thomas and John - This conversation occurs between Thomas and John, after Jesus had ascended into Heaven and the apostles were preaching the Good News in Jerusalem. They talk about doubt, and John has to confront his own doubts about Jesus and his judgmental attitudes about others who doubt.

Barnabas and Saul - This conversation occurs between Barnabas and Saul, just after Saul met Jesus on the road to Damascus. They talk about why having faith in others can be even harder than faith in God.

Peter and Paul - This conversation occurs between Peter and Paul, soon after Paul rebuked Peter for not eating with the Gentiles. They talk about what’s really motivating Peter to reject his fellow believers, and Peter must confront his insecurities, especially when around his friends.

Paul and Barnabas - This conversation occurs between Paul and Barnabas right before the two part ways. These two old friends argue about why they are splitting up and find that saying goodbye is harder than they expected.

John - This conversation occurs between John and one of his disciples, when John passes on his book of Revelation. They talk about what it means to follow God when you don’t fully understand what’s going on and may never get all the answers. 

You can find the rest of my scripts here.

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